Angela Lindvall co-host of Planet Green’s Alter Eco is making sustainability sexy with her green tip on composting.
Angela is also the founder of Collage, a non-profit, multi-platform communication platform, that brings together ideas on issues on the environment, health, science and art and presents them across a variety of entertainment formats. The fashion model applies her savvy sense of style to modern eco-living in her interview with TreeHugger’s Meaghan O’Neill.
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Angela: The biggest thing right now I think is composting.
Meaghan: Is it easy or hard?
Angela: It’s pretty easy. I started before I actually had my compost, or at least removing my food and throwing it outdoors so it was going back into the earth. But now I’m able to produce earth and grow more food with it.
Meaghan: And what are you growing?
Angela: Right now, I haven’t actually had a chance to plant my beds yet, but I’m planning all of that. Right now, I actually just have herbs and flowers
Meaghan: Excellent. Sounds good!”
Angela’s tip on separating food waste from the rest of your trash is great! Going a step further and actually starting a compost is even better. While many TreeHugger readers already compost, Angela highlights the joy of composting which is that you are creating soil which can be used for growing herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables!
Thanks, Angela!
More on Composting
Compost: How to Make It, Bins, Piles and More
High Fibre Compost Works: Confessions of a Rotter
Compost Conundrum: Backyard Box, Indoor Bin Or A Can-O-Worms? (Part I)
Videos Eco-Tips on Composting
TreeHugger Tips: How-to Manage Humanure Composting
TreeHugger Tips: Hacking a Composting Toilet
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